I have over 10 years experience in building, launching and running websites. A lot has changed from last year especially…

Migrating sitemonki from AWS to Linode
So I have been running sitemonki.com on AWS for over two years now. AWS is a great public cloud service…

Correctly setting up DNS records for your website or App
We have established that one of the key causes of website downtime is incorrectly configured DNS records. DNS or Domain…

Letsencrypt vs Clouflare as Free SSL provider for your website
Running your website on secure https protocol is becoming the norm. In fact, if your website isn’t on https, browsers…

How to check for your SSL Certificate chain and fix issues
One of the key reasons your website could go down as we have discussed earlier is a faulty SSL certificate.…
Docker Compose with Nginx, Django, Gunicorn, MySQL and Static File setup
Docker can be a real productivity saviour when you get to know how to use it well. It’s really great…
4 things you should do when your website goes down
Chances are that your website or app will go offline one way or another even when you are Google. In…
How to increase on website uptime
Your website should be a fundamental part of your business. Through it, you can acquire new customers, answer support queries…
How to Dockerize wordpress website
So I decided to start Site Monki blog where I will be sharing on updates, announcements from Site Monki product…
Site Monki: Automating website monitoring
Hey there, Dave here. I am a Tech blogger as well as a developer. I run several websites, some are…